2023 Winner

Mr Yucong Wen

Title: Associate Director
Design Philosophy:

From my first encounter with architecture in college to today, architecture has always fascinated me with its charm. In my learning and working experiences, I constantly challenged myself to explore different fields in pursuit of perfect design. After completing my undergraduate studies in the PRC, I took a one-year gap to work in a design institute. Then aiming to immerse myself in diverse design concepts and broaden my horizons, I came to the University of Edinburgh in the UK to study architecture and urban planning. During my time at the university, I participated in various competitions with my classmates and received some awards. After graduation, I started my professional career at Aedas in Hong Kong, where I engaged in a variety of design projects. Through each project, I developed my own design philosophy, utilizing interdisciplinary thinking to tailor each project to the client’s needs. I continuously sought inspiration and enjoyed the process of creating something new. Currently, I work as the Associate Director at Quad and oversee the operations of the Shenzhen branch. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I also coordinated collaborative efforts between the PRC and Hong Kong. This experience highlighted the essential role architects play in providing assistance to the public in post-pandemic times. I am committed to upholding this philosophy and will continue seeking diverse challenges in my future career to create even better designs.